Config Files

Base configuration is managed in these configuration files (in the order in which they are read):

  * thruk.conf                     # shipped default Thruk config
  * thruk_local.d/*.{cfg,conf}     # local override drop dir
  * thruk_local.conf               # local override of Thruks settings
All configuration options described in this file should go into the thruk_local.conf or into separate files below thruk_local.d/

Config file merge order

Single key/value settings are overridden in the order above. Nested key/value pairs like Backends are merged.


default_theme = Thruk
default_theme = Company

results in default_theme = Company

nested values:

  General        = 1
  Current_Status = 1
  Current_Status = 0
  Bookmarks      = 1

results in

  General        = 1
  Current_Status = 0
  Bookmarks      = 1


The thruk.conf contains the shipped defaults. You should not edit this file directly. Overwrite your settings in your thruk_local.conf / thruk_local.d/ instead.


new in release v2.00

Local settings drop directory. All *.cfg and \*.conf files in here override settings from the thruk.conf file. Besides the standard file extension cfg and conf it is also possible to use the hostname. Those files are only used if the hostname matches the actual system hostname. This is a good way to separate test and production configuration.


    `-- thruk
        `-- thruk_local.d
            |-- my.cfg              # will be read on every host
            `-- test.test-machine   # will only be read on a host named `test-machine`


The thruk_local.conf should contain all settings which are locally overridden. Keep the default settings in the thruk.conf and only put local overrides in either the thruk_local.conf or into conf file below thruk_local.d/.

Other config files

  * cgi.cfg             # Naemon/Nagios cgi.cfg
  * log4perl.conf       # Logging configuration
  * menu.conf           # Thruks default side navigation
  * menu_local.conf     # local override for the navigation

log4perl config

General Settings


set the title prefix for all urls this piece of text will be prepended to all page titles.


title_prefix = Prod


Sets the page title to the name of a bookmark if the url matches. Private bookmarks are processed first and the name of the first match is used.


use_bookmark_titles = 1


Uses more descriptive page titles. Bookmark titles take precedence and can be overridden by adding the title parameter on most pages


use_dynamic_titles = 1


Changes the usual url path for Thruk. Don’t change it unless you plan to run multiple Thruk instances on the same webserver. You will have to change your fastcgi configuration too.


url_prefix = /


DEPRECATED use server_timezone now.


new in release v2.22

Changes the timezone from the systems default to this timezone. Only set this if you have trouble with displaying the right timestamps. Use /usr/share/zoneinfo on most linux systems for reference, as some timezones are set using the Region/Country format.


server_timezone = CET


new in release v2.22

Since users can change their timezone setting, this changes their default. Possible values are:

  • "Server Setting"

  • "Local Browser"

  • all from /usr/share/zoneinfo


default_user_timezone = "Server Setting"


new in release v2.24

Set to 1 to enable cluster features or 0 for single node setups.


cluster_enabled = 1


new in release v2.24

Define generic url pattern to connect all cluster nodes. Each cluster node must be available on the given address. 3 variables will be replaced to make this url generic: - $hostname$: hostname from hostname - $url_prefix$: contains the url prefix from url_prefix - $proto$: trying to autodetect either http or https, autodetect will only work with OMD and falls back to http otherwise.


cluster_nodes = https://$hostname$/$url_prefix$/


new in release v2.24

Set timeout after which a node is removed from the cluster.


cluster_node_stale_timeout = 120


DEPRECATED: setting this has no effect with Thruk 2.34 or later.

The rest api is enabled by default, disabling it would break Thruk operation.


new in release v2.24

Using api keys can be disabled by setting this to 0.

Note: this value cannot be overridden on a per user/group basis because it is used on pre-authentication stage. If you want users to create new keys, use max_api_keys_per_user.


api_keys_enabled = 1


new in release v2.32

Limit amount of keys a user may create. Set to 0 to disable creating new keys completely


max_api_keys_per_user = 10


DEPRECATED: setting this has no effect with Thruk 3.x or later. Specify user agents which will be redirected to the mobile plugin (if enabled).




Default theme to use for all users. Must be a valid sub directory in the themes_path folder.


default_theme = Light


Default theme to use for if the user prefers a dark theme.


default_theme_dark = Dark


Set first day of week. Used in reports. Sunday: 0 Monday: 1


first_day_of_week = 0


Large reports will use temp files to avoid extreme memory usage. With 'report_use_temp_files' you may set the report duration in days which will trigger the use of temp files. Default is 14days, so for example the 'last31days' report will use temp files, the 'thisweek' not. Can be disabled by setting to 0.


report_use_temp_files = 14


Don’t create reports with more hosts / services than this number. The purpose is to don’t wrack the server due to extended memory usage. Increase this number if you hit that limit and have plenty of memory left.


report_max_objects = 1000


Include messages with class = 2 (program messages) in reports. Setting this to 0 allows the MySQL backend to use indexes efficiently

  • 0 = off

  • 1 = auto (default)

  • 2 = on


report_include_class2 = 1


Should thruk update the logcache databases before running reports? Setting this to 0 reduces the time taken to run reports but the most recent data is not necessarily available. If you use this option you should probably create a cron to run "thruk -a logcacheupdate"


report_update_logcache = 1


This link is used as startpage and points usually to the main.html with displays version information and general links.


start_page = /thruk/main.html

This link is used whenever you click on one of the main logos. By default those logos are the Thruk logos and the link will take you to the Thruk homepage. Replace this with where you want your home location to be.


home_link =

This link is used in the side navigation menu as link to the documentation. Replace with your documentation location. Set it to a blank value if you don’t want a documentation link in the menu at all.


documentation_link = /thruk/docs/

Customizable link for the 'problems' link in side menu. Can be useful to reflect your companies process of error handling.


all_problems_link = /thruk/cgi-bin/status.cgi?...

List of allowed patterns, where links inside frames can be set to. You can link to /thruk/frame.html?link= Your wiki will then be displayed with the Thruk navigation frame. Useful for other addons, so they don’t have to display a own navigation. Wildcards are allowed since v3.06.


allowed_frame_links =
allowed_frame_links =
allowed_frame_links = *                # allow all links from
allowed_frame_links = https://*                       # allow all https links from anywhere
allowed_frame_links = *                               # allow everything (not recommended)

List of (target, regex) pairs. When Thruk generates links (for example for the action_url of a service) the URL is matched against the regex. If the regex matches the URL then the 'target' is used for the links target attribute. Target 'main' is special, if the link matches allowed_frame_links, it creates a link that is, when clicked on, opened inside a frame in Thruk. If it doesn’t match allowed_frame_links the target '_blank' is used.


allowed_frame_links =
link_target = _blank ^https?://
link_target = main ^https?://


Maximum memory usage (in MB) at which a Thruk process will exit after finishing its request. Only affects the fcgid daemon.



Authorization Settings


Set this if a contact should be allowed to send commands unless defined for the contact itself. This is the default value for all contacts unless the user has a can_submit_commands setting in your monitoring configuration.


can_submit_commands = 1


Use this to disabled specific commands. Can be use multiple times to disabled multiple commands. The number can be found in the 'cmd_typ' cgi parameter from links to the command page. If you only want to allow a few commands, use command_enabled instead. You may use ranges here. If you want to disable all commands, you can use command_disabled = 0-999 or set the authorized_for_read_only role.

See a list of available commands along with their ids on the commands page.


command_disabled = 14
command_disabled = 35
command_disabled = 17-34,50-65


Enable only specific commands. Overrides command_disabled setting by only allowing a few specific commands and disabling all others. The syntax is the same as in command_disabled. When using command_enabled then all commands are disabled and only those from command_enabled can be used.

See a list of available commands along with their ids on the commands page.


command_enabled = 1-4         # allow adding and removing comments
command_enabled = 33,34,51,52 # allow acknowledgments
command_enabled = 55,56,78,79 # allow downtimes


Convert authenticated username to lowercase.


make_auth_user_lowercase = 1


Convert authenticated username to uppercase.


make_auth_user_uppercase = 1


Convert authenticated username by regular expression. The following example removes everything after an @ from the authenticated username and 'user@domain' becomes just 'user'.


make_auth_replace_regex = s/^(.*?)@.*/$1/gmx


When set to a true value, every contact will only see the hosts where he is contact for plus the services where he is contact for. When disabled, a host contact will see all services for this host regardless of whether he is a service contact or not.


use_strict_host_authorization = 1


Allow specific hosts to bypass the csrf protection which requires a generated token to submit certain post requests, for example to send commands. Use comma seperated list or multiple configuration attributes. Wildcards are allowed.




Disable the possibility for a user to change his password. Only works with htpasswd passwords. To make this work you have to set a htpasswd entry in the Config Tool section.


disable_user_password_change = 1


Sets the minimum lenght a password must have for users changing their passwords. Admins still can change the password any way they want in the config tool. This just affects the user password reset.


user_password_min_length = 5


new in release v2.36

Show the basic auth user / password formular. Enabled when using cookie auth. You may want to disable this if you only use oauth2 authentication.


basic_auth_enabled = 1

Path Settings


The path to your cgi.cfg. See cgi.cfg for details.


cgi_cfg = cgi.cfg


The path to your log4perl configuration file.


log4perl_conf = ./log4perl.conf


verbosity / debug level same as setting THRUK_VERBOSE environment.

  • 0 = info / warnings (default)

  • 1 = verbose

  • 2 = debug

  • 3 = enables performance debug output for each request (same as THRUK_PERFORMANCE_DEBUG=3 in env)

  • 4 = trace


thruk_verbose = 0


Enable author tweaks. Same as setting THRUK_AUTHOR environment. Only required for development, disables caches, enables template strict mode and more.


thruk_author = 1


If a page takes longer to render than this amount of seonds, a profile will be logged. Set to 0 to disable logging completely.


slow_page_log_threshold = 30


Set level of machine information send in bug reports.

Possible options: - prod contains release information (default) - full contains uname and release information - none no information


machine_debug_info = prod


Defines an optional seperate logfile with some extra audit relevant log entries. The different categories can be used to enable/disabled specific messages. The logfile can use strftime format pattern to for ex.: add the timestamp to the logfile.


  logfile          = /var/log/audit/thruk-%Y.%m.%d.log  # if set, audit log will be appended to this file. strftime format can used in the filename.
  login            = 1    # log if user logs in
  logout           = 1    # log if user logs out
  session          = 0    # session creation / cleanup
  external_command = 1    # log external commands
  configtool       = 1    # log changes made with the config tool


Path to your plugins directory. Can be used to specify different location for you Thruk plugins. Don’t forget to set appropriate apache alias or rewrite rules when changing the plugin path. Otherwise the static content from plugins is not accessible.

Example redirect rule for apache:

AliasMatch /thruk/plugins/(.*?)/(.*)$ YOUR-PLUGIN-DIR/plugins/plugins-enabled/$1/root/$2


plugin_path = ./plugins


Url to Thruks plugin registry. The url must supply a json data structure with a list thruk plugins. Can be specified multiple times.


plugin_registry_url =


Path to your themes directory. Can be used to specify different location for you Thruk themes. Don’t forget to set appropriate apache alias or rewrite rules when changing the themes path. Otherwise the static content from your themes may not accessible.

Alias /thruk/themes/ YOUR-THEMES-DIR/themes/themes-enabled/


themes_path = ./themes


Path to the var directory. Thruk stores user specific date here.


var_path = ./var


Path to a temporary directory. Defaults to /tmp if not set and usually this is a good place.


tmp_path = /tmp


The path to your ssi (server side includes) files. See Server Side Includes for details.


ssi_path = ssi/


Specify a additional directory for user supplied templates. This makes it easy to override thruks own templates. Template search order is:

  • users template path

  • themes template path

  • plugins template path

  • thruks template path


user_template_path = ./my_templates


Changes the path to your logo images. Default is $url_prefix+'thruk/themes/'$current_theme'/images/logos/' and therefor relative to the current selected theme. You could set a fixed path here. Like usual, paths starting with a / will be absolute from your webserver root directory. Paths starting without a / will be relative to the cgi directory.


logo_path_prefix = /icons/


Location of your logos in your filesystem. This directory should be mapped to your 'logo_path_prefix' directory where 'logo_path_prefix' is the path relative to your webserver root directory and 'physical_logo_path' is the corresponding filesystem path.


physical_logo_path = /usr/share/icons/


Mode used when creating or saving files.


mode_file = 0660


Mode used when creating folders


mode_dir = 0770


Set a general resource file. Be warned, if any macros contain sensitive data like passwords, setting this option could expose that data to unauthorized user. It is strongly recommended that this option is only used if no passwords are used in this file or in combination with the 'expand_user_macros' option which will limit which macros are exposed to the user. Instead of using a general 'resource_file' you could define one file per peer in your peer config.


resource_file = /etc/nagios3/resource.cfg

Search Settings


new in release v2.24

maximum number of allowed search boxes


maximum_search_boxes = 9


Search long_plugin_output in default search, ex. from the side navigation. It is enabled by default, but can have significat performance impact in larger setups.


search_long_plugin_output = 1


new in release v1.86-2

The default_service_filter set a default service filter which is used when no other filter is applied (except from links to hosts or groups). The filter is negated by a leading exclamation mark. The example filters out all services starting with "test_". You can use regular expressions. The Default is not set.


default_service_filter = !^test_


new in release v3.06

The default main filter can be use to apply a filter to the "All Hosts" view on the main landing page. You can use a special variable $REMOTE_USER$ which will be replace by the current user. The following example will apply a filter on the contact with the current user name, so the dashboard will show only hosts/service where the user is contact for, even if the user has global admin permissions.


default_main_filter = contact = $REMOTE_USER$

Paging Settings


DEPRECATED: setting this has no effect with Thruk 3.x or later.

Using the pager will make huge pages much faster as most people don’t want a services page with 100.000 services displayed. Can be disabled if you don’t need it.


use_pager = 1


Define the selectable paging steps. Use the * to set the default selected value.


paging_steps = *100, 500, 1000, all


Just like the paging_steps, but only for the groups overview page.


group_paging_overview =  *3,  10, 100, all


Just like the paging_steps, but only for the groups summary page.


group_paging_summary = *10, 50, 100, all


Just like the paging_steps, but only for the groups grip page.


group_paging_grid = *5,  10, 50,  all


Cut off objects on problems page, set 0 to disable limit completly. Defaults to 500.


problems_limit = 500


new in release v3.00

Set default for showing main data table at full size or not.


main_table_full = 0

Display Settings


DEPRECATED: setting this has no effect with Thruk 3.x or later. Change path to your host action icons. You may use relative paths to specify completely different location. You also may want to use 'action_pnp.png' when using pnp. Icon can be overridden by a custom variable '_ACTION_ICON'.


host_action_icon = action.gif


DEPRECATED: setting this has no effect with Thruk 3.x or later. Change path to your service action icons. You may use relative paths to specify completely different location. You also may want to use 'action_pnp.png' when using pnp. Icon can be overridden by a custom variable '_ACTION_ICON'.


service_action_icon = action.gif


Set initial menu state.

closed  => 0
open    => 1


  General        = 1
  Current_Status = 1
  Reports        = 1
  System         = 1
  Bookmarks      = 1


DEPRECATED: setting this has no effect with Thruk 3.x or later.

Set whether you want to use a framed navigation or not. With using frames it’s sometimes easier to include addons. See allowed_frame_links option for how to integrate addons.


use_frames = 0

DEPRECATED: setting this has no effect with Thruk 3.x or later.

Width of the navigation frame in px.


navframesize = 190

To achieve a similar effect in Thruk 3.x you can create a ssi file, ex.: ssi/common-header-navsize.ssi and put this in there:

#nav-container {
  width: 300px !important;


DEPRECATED: setting this has no effect with Thruk 3.x or later.

Show the new split command box on the host / service details page.


use_new_command_box = 1


what email address bug reports will be sent to

ex.: bug_email_rcpt =


Default timeformat. Use POSIX format.


datetime_format = %Y-%m-%d  %H:%M:%S


Default long timeformat.


datetime_format_long = %a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Z %Y


Default log timeformat.


datetime_format_log = %B %d, %Y  %H

Default trends timeformat.


datetime_format_trends = %a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Y


Default timeformat for todays date. Can be useful if you want a shorter date format for today.


datetime_format_today = %H:%M:%S


DEPRECATED: setting this has no effect with Thruk 3.x or later.


DEPRECATED: setting this has no effect with Thruk 3.x or later.


Display the current number of notification after the current / max attempts on the status details page.


show_notification_number = 0


new in release v2.14

List of default columns on host details page. Determines which columns and the order of the displayed columns. See an example on the Dynamic Views page.


default_host_columns = name,state,last_check,duration,plugin_output


new in release v2.14

List of default columns on service details page. Determines which columns and the order of the displayed columns. See an example on the Dynamic Views page.


default_service_columns = host_name,description,state,last_check,duration,current_attempt,plugin_output


new in release v2.38

List of default columns on overview details page. Determines which columns and the order of the displayed columns. See an example on the Dynamic Views page.


default_overview_columns = name,state,services,actions


new in release v2.38

List of default columns on grid details page. Determines which columns and the order of the displayed columns. See an example on the Dynamic Views page.


default_grid_columns = name,state,actions


Display the backend/site name in the status table. This is useful if you have same hosts or services on different backends and need to know which one returns an error. Valid values are:

1 - show site name at the end
2 - put site name in front


show_backends_in_table = 0


Show links to config tool for each host / service. You need to have the config tool plugin enabled and you need proper permissions for the link to appear.


show_config_edit_buttons = 1


new in release v3.12

For historical reasons (there was no explicit admin role in the past) any user with both, the - authorized_for_system_commands and - authorized_for_configuration_information gains the full admin role as well. This behaviour can be disabled with this admin_role_from_system_and_conf switch. This is deprecated and the default will change in a future release.


Display the full command line for host / service checks . Be warned, the command line could contain passwords and other confidential data. In order to replace the user macros for commands, you have to set the 'resource_file' in your peer config or a general resource_file option.

  • 0 = off, don’t show the command line at all

  • 1 = show them for contacts with the role: authorized_for_configuration_information

  • 2 = show them for everyone


show_full_commandline = 0


new in release v2.18

Replace pattern for expanded command lines. Could be used to replace sensitive information from being displayed in the gui. The pattern is a simple perl regular substitute expression in the form of '/pattern/replacement/'


commandline_obfuscate_pattern = /(\-\-password=")[^"]*(")/$1"***"$2/
commandline_obfuscate_pattern = /(check_vmware_.*\-p )(\S+)/$1"***"/
commandline_obfuscate_pattern = /(check_.*\--pw )(\S+)/$1"***"/
commandline_obfuscate_pattern = /(check_.*\"password\": )(\S+)/$1"***"/


Usually the source of your expanded check_command should be the check_command attribute of your host / service. But under certain circumstances you might want to use display expanded commands from a custom variable. In this case, set 'show_full_commandline_source' to '_CUST_VAR_NAME'.


show_full_commandline_source = check_command


Show additional logout button next to the top right preferences button. (works only together with cookie authentication)


new in release v2.42

Change url of logout link. Might be useful in combination with oauth.




When a plugin returns more than one line of output, the output can be displayed directly in the status table, as popup or not at all. Choose between popup, inline and off


show_long_plugin_output = popup


Color complete status line with status colour or just the status itself.




Show if a host / service has modified attributes.


show_modified_attributes = 1


Show host / service contacts. User must have the configuration_information role.


show_contacts = 1


Seconds after which the "is_executing" icons disappear.


is_executing_timeout = 5


Show check attempts for hosts too. The default is to show them on the problems page only. Use this value to force a value.


show_host_attempts = 1

Define pattern to be replaced with links in comments, downtimes and plugin output.

Syntax is: | regex pattern | [link name](link target) |

Can be set multiple times.

Simple links and markdown style links will be replaced automatically. So links in the form:

[link text](https://target...)

will just work. No need to disabled escape_html just to show some links.


short_link = |INC(\d+)|[$1]($1)|
short_link = |GH#(\d+)|[Issue $1]($1)|

Replaces the string "INC12345" with the link:

<a href="">12345</a>

Replaces the string "GH#123" with the link:

<a href="">123</a>

Define pattern to be replaced with copy / paste buttons in the plugin output.

Syntax is: (pre text regex pattern)(link text regex pattern)(post text regex pattern)

Can be set multiple times.


copy_paste_link = (ticket id: ")(.*?)(")


This option enables a performance bar inside the status/host list which create a graph from the performance data of the plugin output. Available options are 'match', 'first', 'all', 'worst' and 'off'.

match: try to set graph which matches the output
all: graph all performance values available
first: graph only the first performance value
worst: graph only the graph for the worst state
off: graph no value at all


perf_bar_mode = match


Show pnp popup if performance data are available and pnp is used as graph engine. The popup will be available on the performance data bar chart on the right side of each host/service. It uses the normal pnp popup logic, so you need to install the proper SSI files.


perf_bar_pnp_popup = 1


If set, a Internet Explorer (IE) compatibility header will be added to the html header.


Defines the order to determine the worst/best states. Used in business processes and the panorama dashboard. Can be overridden in those plugins.


default_state_order = down, unreachable, \
                      unknown, critical, warning, \
                      acknowledged_down, acknowledged_unreachable, \
                      acknowledged_unknown, acknowledged_critical, acknowledged_warning, \
                      downtime_down, downtime_unreachable, \
                      downtime_unknown, downtime_critical, downtime_warning, downtime_up, downtime_ok, \
                      up, ok, downtime_pending, pending


Show inline pnp graph if available. If a service or host has a pnp4nagios action or notes url set. Thruk will show a inline graph on the extinfo page. This works for /pnp4nagios/ urls and /pnp/.


shown_inline_pnp = 1


graph_word is a regexp used to display any graph on the details page. if a service or host has a graph url in action url (or notes url) set it can be displayed by specifying a regular expression that always appears in this url. You can specify multiple graph_words.


When using pnp4nagios, no graph_word is required, just keep it empty.

sample service configuration for graphite:

  define service{
    service_description   Load
    host_name             localhost
    use                   generic-service
    action_url            http://YOURGRAPHITE/render/?lineMode=connected&width=586&height=308&_salt=1355923874.899&target=cactiStyle($HOSTNAME$.$SERVICEDESC$.*)&xFormat=%25H%3A%25M&tz=Europe/Paris
    check_command         check_load


graph_word = /render/       # for graphite

Quotes are supported in the action_url statement, you may want to use it for special graphite function ( Do not escape double quotes here, otherwise graph won’t work.


graph_replace is another regular expression to rewrite special characters in the url. For example graphite requires all non-word characters replaced by underscores while graphios needs spaces removed too. You can use this setting multiple times.

sample service configuration for graphite:

graph_replace = s/[^\w\-]/_/gmx

sample service configuration for graphios:

graph_replace = s/\s//gmx
graph_replace = s/[^\w\-]/_/gmx


The http_backend_reverse_proxy will proxy requests for pnp or grafana action_urls via the http backend if possible. This only works for http backends and if cookie auth is enabled. Can be used to proxy thruk nodes (experimental)

Possible options: - 0 disabled - 1 enabled


http_backend_reverse_proxy = 1


Show custom vars in host / service ext info. List variable names to display in the host and service extinfo details page. Can be specified more than once to define multiple variables. You may use html in your variables. Use * as wildcard, ex.: _VAR* To show a host custom variable for services, prepend _HOST, ex.: _HOSTVAR1. To show all host variables in the service view, use wildcards, ex.: _HOST* Host variables are only used with HOST*, not by * alone, see examples.


# only match a single variable
show_custom_vars = _VAR1
# show all host variables for hosts and all service variables for services
show_custom_vars = *
# show all host variables for hosts and all host and service variables for services
show_custom_vars = HOST*
show_custom_vars = *


Expose custom vars sets a list of custom variables which is safe for all users/contacts to view. They will be used in filtering and column selection as well as in json result sets. Basically they will be handled the same way as show_custom_vars except they will not be displayed automatically. Syntax is the same as show_custom_vars.


expose_custom_vars = _VAR1


Expand user macros ($USERx$) for host / service commands and custom variables. Can be specified more than once to define multiple user macros to expand. Be warned, some user macros can contain passwords and expanding them could expose them to unauthorized users. Use * as wildcard, ex.: USER*

Defaults to 'ALL' which means all user macros are expanded, because its limited to admin users anyway.


expand_user_macros = USER1
expand_user_macros = USER10-20
expand_user_macros = PLUGIN*
expand_user_macros = ALL  # expands all user macros
expand_user_macros = NONE # do not expand user macros


Show link to bug reports when internal errors occur. Set to '1' to show a error icon which links to a error report mail. Set to 'server' to log js error server side. Set to 'both' to log server side but still show the icon.

ex.: show_error_reports = both


don’t report some known harmless javascript errors

ex.: skip_js_errors = cluetip is not a function


Normally passive checks would be marked as disabled. With this option set, disabled checks will only be displayed as disabled if their last result was active. Otherwise they would be marked as passive checks. This option also changes the passive icon only to be shown when the last check was passive, otherwise the disabled icon will be displayed.


strict_passive_mode = 1


Normally passive checks whould be displayed with a passive icon if their last result is passive. With this option, passive icon will be hidden in status details.


hide_passive_icon = 0


new in release v3.00

hide_top sets the default value for showing/hiding the totals header on status pages. It can be set to one of:

  • auto (default) hides header initially on small screens

  • 1 always hide header initially

  • 0 always show header initially


hide_top = auto


The sitepanel is used to display multiple backends/sites at a glance. With than 10 or more sites, the list of backends will be combined into the 'compact' site panel which just displays the totals of available / down / disabled sites. The 'compact' panel will also automatically be used if you use sections. With more than 50 backends, the 'collapsed' panel will be selected in 'auto' mode. With more than 100 backends, the 'tree' panel will be selected in 'auto' mode. Set sitepanel to list/compact/collapsed/tree/auto/off to change the default behaviour.


sitepanel = auto


You can integrate the output of apache status into Thruk. The following list of apache status pages will be accessible from the performance info page. Make sure the page is accessible from Thruk, credentials will be passed through. So both, basic authentication or ip based authentication would be possible. Read more about Apaches mod_status here:



Connection Settings


DEPRECATED: please use LMD when using multiple backends.


Set logging of backend in verbose mode. This only makes sense when debug logging is activated.


backend_debug = 1


Use connection pool when accessing multiple sites. Increases the performance because backends will be queried parallel but uses around 10mb of memory per pool member. Disabled when set to 0, number of concurrent connections otherwise.


connection_pool_size = 5


new in release v2.12

Enable lmd connection handling. Set to 1 to enable. LMD handles all backend connections in a separate process which will be started automatically with thruk if enabled. Read more on lmd at: or here LMD.


use_lmd_core = 0


Path to lmd binary.


lmd_core_bin = /usr/local/go/src/


Path to additional lmd configuration. The sites will be automatically generated. Can be used multiple times.


lmd_core_config = /etc/thruk/lmd.ini
lmd_core_config = /etc/thruk/lmd.ini.d/*.ini


Set some extra command line options when starting lmd.


lmd_options = -debug-deadlock 30 -debug-profiler localhost:6060


Thruk waits this timeout for lmd to respond, otherwise it gets killed and restarted. Set to 0 to turn off automatic restarts (it will still be started if it is not running).




Instead of using LMD managed by Thruk, you can run your own LMD and let Thruk use that one instead




Enables caching logfiles for faster access and less memory usage for the naemon process. Cache supports only Mysql. Prefered type is Mysql. Format is a Mysql connection string like 'mysql://hostname:port/db'. Using a cache dramatically decreases cpu and memory usage of Thruk and Naemon when accessing logfiles, for example when creating reports.


logcache = mysql://user:password@localhost:3306/thruk_log_cache


new in release v2.10

Define filter which prevents the logcache from overgrowing with useless log messages. Since the main reason for the logcache are availability reports it is ok to remove some entries. Can be used multiple times.


logcache_import_exclude = "Warning: Passive check result was received for"
logcache_import_exclude = "wproc: "
logcache_import_exclude = "PASSIVE SERVICE CHECK: "
logcache_import_exclude = "PASSIVE HOST CHECK: "
logcache_import_exclude = "Warning: Check of "
logcache_import_exclude = "Warning: External command parse error "
logcache_import_exclude = "External command error: Failed validation"


new in release v2.12

This option enables/disables the delta updates of the logcache whenever somebody opens a page which requires logfiles, ex.: the showlog page. This improves the responsiveness of the page but you miss the latest log entries since the last manual update.


logcache_delta_updates = 1


When having multiple sites, you can change the number of parallel updates with the logcache_worker option. Setting worker number to 1 disables parallel execution.


logcache_worker = auto


Default duration when running thruk logcache clean. See the time definitions page for available options.


logcache_clean_duration = 2y


Default duration when running thruk logcache compact. Compact removes duplicate alerts having the same state. It also removes basically everything not required for sla reports and keeps a few extras like notifications.


logcache_compact_duration = 10w


Define wether logcache will be bypassed if the start / end time of a log querys is outside the range of the cache.

  • 0: never, only use cached logs and return empty result if outside cached range. (default)

  • 1: partially, bypass logcache if start and end are outside cache range, otherwise return partialy result.

  • 2: always, bypass logcache if either start or end are outside the cache range.


logcache_auto_bypass = 0


The import command replaces the builtin logcache update with an external script which is then responsible for updating the logcache database. This might be useful if you pull the logfiles from a ndo/ido database and then manually import those files.

There are some useful enviromenet variables set before the script is started:

  • standard macros as listed in CLI Environment

  • THRUK_BACKENDS is a semicolon separated list of the selected backends.

  • THRUK_LOGCACHE is the connection string to the thruk logcache database.

  • THRUK_LOGCACHE_MODE is either 'import' on first initial import or 'update' for further consecutive updates.


logcache_import_command = .../


The fetchlogs command is very similar to the logcache_import_command but it replaces only the the fetching logs part from the bultin logcache. This script should return the plain text logfiles on stdout (standard naemon/nagios logfile format). This might be useful if you pull the logfiles from a ndo/ido database.


When having mixed backend cores, this command can be overridden in the peer configuration.

See ./support/ for an example.

There are some useful enviromenet variables set before the script is started to control which logs should be fetched:

  • REMOTE_USER contains the current user.

  • THRUK_BACKEND is a the id of the backends to import.

  • THRUK_LOGCACHE_START is start date to fetch

  • THRUK_LOGCACHE_END is the end date to fetch

  • THRUK_LOGCACHE_LIMIT is the optional limit of logfiles to fetch


logcache_fetchlogs_command = IDO_DB_HOST= IDO_DB_PORT=3306 IDO_DB_USER=root IDO_DB_PW=root IDO_DB_NAME=icinga ./support/ mysql


If you are using a mysql database with galera replication such as MariaDB Cluster, Percona XtraDB Cluster or Galera Cluster it is a good idea to avoid locks and optimize/repair table statements since they are not properly replicated.

Especially in Percona XtraDB Cluster > 5.6 the default setting of pxc_strict_mode will disable locks all togheter.

This setting will make the logcache work in that case. More information about pxc_strict_mode available here: - Percona documentation


logcache_pxc_strict_mode = 1


Delay the page delivery until the backends uptime is at least this amount of seconds. Displaying pages soon after backend restarts may display wrong results and all services are pending. Enable this if you experience problems with pending services after reloading your backend. Should be obsolete with Livestatus versions greater than 1.2 ex.: setting this to 10 would start serving pages 10 seconds after the backend reload


delay_pages_after_backend_reload = 10


Can be set to enable / disable hostname verification for https connections. For example for the cookie login, https backends or oauth requests. It is not recommended to disabled hostname verification, set ssl_ca_path or ssl_ca_file instead.


ssl_verify_hostnames = 1


Sets path to your certificates. Either set ssl_ca_path or ssl_ca_file. Not both. Defaults to ssl_ca_file = Mozilla::CA::SSL_ca_file() if Mozilla::CA perl module is installed or ssl_ca_path = '/etc/ssl/certs' otherwise.


ssl_ca_path = /etc/ssl/certs


Sets path to your ca store. See ssl_ca_path for details.


ssl_ca_file = /etc/ssl/certs/ca.pem

Specifies the url where non-authenticated users will be redirected too.


cookie_auth_login_url = thruk/cgi-bin/login.cgi

Specifies the url against the cookie auth provider will verify its credentials.


cookie_auth_restricted_url = http://localhost/thruk/cgi-bin/restricted.cgi

Specifies the timeout for idle sessions. Session will be removed if not used within this timeperiod.


cookie_auth_session_timeout       = 86400

Specifies the amount of seconds in which subsequent requests won’t verify authentication again. Set to zero to disable storing encrypted credentials in the filesystem and disabling revalidation of active sessions (sessions will never invalidate).


cookie_auth_session_cache_timeout = 30

Just like successful logins are cached for a few seconds (cookie_auth_session_cache_timeout), failed logins are cached as well to prevent denial of service attacks with invalid credentials. cookie_auth_session_cache_fail_timeout sets the amount of seconds to cache failed logins. Set this to zero disabled invalidation of the cache.


cookie_auth_session_cache_fail_timeout = 30

Timeout for internal sub request on authentication url. Defaults to 10 seconds and can be disabled by setting it to zero.


cookie_auth_login_timeout = 10

Cookie domain is usually set automatically. Use this option to override the default value. Domains have to contain at least two periods. Useful for single sign on environments.


cookie_auth_domain =

Hook script which is called on every successful login. The REMOTE_USER environment variable will be set to the username of the current logged in user. Useful to do magic stuff on each login. The REMOTE_USER_GROUPS environment variable contains semicolon separated list of contactgroups. THRUK_REQ_URL contains the current url. Available standard environment variables are listed on the CLI Environment page.


cookie_auth_login_hook = ./bin/
background job

The login page will wait for the hook to finish, so if some sync jobs should be started in the background the hook itself needs to take care of this.

If it’s a shell script, you could add something this this to the head of the script:

# start in background when started from thruk as login hook
if [ "$THRUK_REQ_URL" != "" ]; then
    unset THRUK_REQ_URL
    $0 "$@" >/dev/null 2>&1 &
    exit 0
new in release v2.12

Disable account after this number of failed login attempts. This feature will be disabled if set to zero.

Default: 10


cookie_auth_disable_after_failed_logins = 3


new in release v2.46

The error message when an account is locked, may contain html.


locked_message = account is locked, please contact an administrator
new in release v2.32

Increase logging of cookie authentication related things. This usually gets printed to the apache error log.

Default: 0


cookie_auth_verbose = 3

OAuth2 Authentication Settings

new in release v2.36

See some example configurations here: OAuth2 Examples.

When the oauth provider needs to configure an allowed callback url, set the url of the login page, ex.:

or without <omdsite> when not using OMD.


Set oauth (oauth2) authentication provider


  <provider name>
    login         = "Login with OAuth"      # Value of the login button.
    icon          = "uil uil-enter"         # CSS class for button icon.
    client_id     = <required>              # Client_id as set from the oauth provider.
    client_secret = <required>              # Secret key from the oauth provider
    scopes        = openid profile email    # Scopes required to access user information
    auth_url      = https://oauthserver/oauth2/v1/authorize     # Initial authenticator redirect url
    token_url     = https://oauthserver/oauth2/v1/token         # URL to exchange code into token
    api_url       = https://oauthserver/oauth2/v1/userinfo      # API endpoint to retrieve user information from
    login_field   = login                                       # Hash key from userinfo to get the actual username from. If not set, Thruk will try 'login', then 'email'
    #enable_pkce  = 0                                           # enable oauth 2.1 pkce workflow if set to 1. Disable by default

Command Settings


Set the default checked state for command options.


  ahas                   = 0  # For Hosts Too
  broadcast_notification = 0  # Broadcast
  force_check            = 0  # Forced Check
  force_notification     = 0  # Forced Notification
  send_notification      = 1  # Send Notification
  sticky_ack             = 1  # Sticky Acknowledgement
  persistent_comments    = 1  # Persistent Comments
  persistent_ack         = 0  # Persistent Acknowledgement Comments
  ptc                    = 0  # For Child Hosts Too
  use_expire             = 0  # Use expire time ( for cores which support it)
  childoptions           = 0  # 0 = Do nothing with child hosts, 1 = Triggered downtime for all child hosts, 2 = Non-triggered downtime for all childs
  hostserviceoptions     = 0  # 0 = Do nothing with services, 1 = Schedule downtime for all services


Forces acknowledgments to be sticky.


force_sticky_ack = 1


Forces sending a notification for acknowledgments.


force_send_notification = 1


Forces comments on acknowledgments to be persistent.


force_persistent_ack = 1


Forces normal comments to be persistent.


force_persistent_comments = 1


Default duration of new downtimes in seconds. Default is 2 hours.


downtime_duration = 7200


Maximum duration of new downtimes. Use quantifiers like d=days, w=weeks, y=years to set human readable values. Default is unlimited.


downtime_max_duration = 4w


new in release v3.00

Show expire acknowledgement form.


has_expire_acks = 1


Default duration of acknowledgements with expire date. Default is one day.


expire_ack_duration = 86400


Default spread of rescheduled checks in seconds. Default is none. Options are 0, 10, 30, 60, 300, 900, 1800, 3600.


reschedule_spread = 0


Configure which commands should be available as quick status commands.


  reschedule             = 0  # Reschedule next check
  downtime               = 0  # Add/remove downtimes
  comment                = 0  # Add/remove comments
  acknowledgement        = 0  # Add/remove acknowledgements
  active_checks          = 0  # Enable/disable active checks
  notifications          = 0  # Enable/disable notifications
  eventhandler           = 1  # Enable/disable eventhandler
  submit_result          = 0  # Submit passive check result
  reset_attributes       = 0  # Reset modified attributes


When you want to reschedule passive checks for which the result is fetched by an agent (For example check_mk or some scenarios of check_multi). You usually want to reschedule the agent instead of the passive check.

The command reschedule alias can be used to translate the reschedule command from the passive service to the active agent service.

command_reschedule_alias = pattern;master_service_description
  • The pattern will be tested against the service description and the command_name of the passive check.

  • The resulting service name be on the same host and the contact must be authorized for that service too.

  • The pattern must be a valid perl regular expression.

  • Duplicates will be removed. So if you reschedule 10 services which result in the same master service will only trigger one reschedule.

  • Only passive services will be translated

In this example, all passive check_mk checks will trigger the active agent check and therefor allow you to reschedule passive checks directly from the problems page.


command_reschedule_alias = ^check_mk\-(?!inventory);Check_MK


Use recurring downtime, shows recurring downtime links.


use_feature_recurring_downtime = 1


Use service’s description instead of display name. DEPRECATED use service_description_source instead.


use_service_description = 1


new in release v3.06

Set alternative source of host name display. Listed attributes will be tried in given order and first non-empty value wins. Custom variables are possible ex.: _NAME, name will first try the _NAME custom variable and use the as fallback. Useful attributes are ex.: name, alias, address, display_name or custom variables

Note: hosts will always be ordered by host_name


host_name_source = display_name, name


new in release v3.06

Set alternative source of service description display. Listed attributes will be tried in given order and first non-empty value wins. Custom variables are possible ex.: _NAME, description will first try the _NAME custom variable and use the service.description as fallback. Useful attributes are ex.: description, display_name or custom variables

Note: services will always be ordered by description.


service_description_source = display_name, description

Use trends, shows trend links.


use_feature_trends = 1


Waiting is a livestatus feature. When enabled, Thruk will wait after rescheduling hosts/services checks until the check has been really executed up to a maximum of 10 seconds. Adjust the time waiting with the 'wait_timeout' option.


use_wait_feature = 1


Amount of seconds to wait until a rescheduled check finishes. Thruk will wait this amount and display the result immediately.


wait_timeout = 10


If set to 1, the user has to enter a comment for all disable active checks / disable notifications / disable event handler commands. These comments are automatically prefixed with the command name and will be deleted when checks / notifications / handlers are enabled again. They are also used by the 'reenable_actions' utility.


require_comments_for_disable_cmds = 1

Cron Settings


Specify a file which is then completely under the control of Thruk. It will be used to store cronjobs, ex. for reports. The file has to be writable by Thruk.


cron_file = /tmp/thruk_cron.tmp


The pre edit cmd can be used to do run a command just before Thruk will edit the crontab.


cron_pre_edit_cmd  = /usr/bin/crontab -l > /tmp/thruk_cron.tmp


The post edit cmd is necessary for OMD where you need to reload the crontab after editing or for replacing the users cron with the edited file.


cron_post_edit_cmd = crontab /tmp/thruk_cron.tmp


Path to your thruk executable. Will be used in cronjobs.


thruk_bin = /usr/bin/thruk

Action Menu Settings

new in release v1.86

The Action Menu is a way to create custom icons and menus for every host or service. There are two ways to set the menu. First one is to directly assign the menu json data into the _THRUK_ACTION_MENU custom variable of your host or service. Or you can just put a placeholder into the _THRUK_ACTION_MENU custom variable and define the actual menu in 'action_menu_items'. You may add multiple action icons or even multiple menus for each host or service.

Custom Action Menu

See the Action Menu section from the advanced topics for more examples and details.


new in release v1.86

Defines the menu used by placeholders from the '_THRUK_ACTION_MENU' custom variable. The menu is a key/value pair with the name and the menu description in json format. The menu can either be a single icon/menu or a list of menus and icons.

A simple menu could look like this, note that the menu has to be in a single line without newlines and all newlines from the example have to be removed in order to try that. But its more readable this way. You can also use a trailing backslash to write the menus on multiple lines.

Sample menu with two items and a seperator:

    "title": "sample menu",
    "menu": [
        "icon":   "uil-redo",
        "label":  "refresh",
        "action": "server://refresh/$HOSTNAME$"
        "icon":   "fa-rocket",
        "label":  "example",
        "action": "server://example/$HOSTNAME$/$SERVICEDESC$"
        "icon":   "../themes/{{theme}}/images/page_white_text.png",
        "label":  "wiki",
        "action": "http://company-wiki/pages/$HOSTNAME$"

A menu has the following attributes:

  • icon icon for the menu itself. You can use {{theme}} as placeholder in the url and {{remote_user}} for the user name. Within OMD, the the site variable {{site}} must be prepended. An Icon can be either:

  • title title of the menu, will be display on mouse over.

  • hidden menu will be hidden if true.

  • menu the actual menu definition as a list '[…​]' of sub items.

  • …​ arbitrary attributes will be used as attributes of the menu icon html element.

A single "-" item can be used as a menu item seperator.

The menu item can have the following attributes:

  • icon icon for the menu item. You can use {{theme}} as placeholder in the url. Within OMD, the the site variable {{site}} must be prepended. An Icon can be either:

  • label label name of the menu item.

  • menu list of sub menu items.

  • action url or action which will be run or openend. This can either be a http(s) link or a serveraction in the form server://actionname/argument1/argument2/…​ the actionname must be a reference to a command from 'action_menu_actions'. You may use {{macros}} here too. Also javascript: links are valid, for example javascript:alert('$HOSTNAME$').

  • target Use '_blank' here to open link in a new window.

  • onclick confirmation dialog or any other callback, ex: "return(confirm('Really restart service?'));"

  • close_timeout timeout till the result popup will close, defaults to 5 seconds if ok or 30 seconds if failed. Set to zero to never close the result popup.

  • disabled menu item will be disabled.

  • hidden menu item will be hidden if true.

  • html raw html code instead of any other logic.

  • …​ arbitrary attributes will be used as attributes of the menu item link html element.

action menu macros

The following macros can be used in the icon, action, title and label attribute.

  • {{theme}} contains the current selected user theme

  • {{remote_user}} contains the user name itself. (Do not rely on this value, a user can change the url by himself)

  • {{prefix}} the url path prefix, ex.: /thruk

  • {{site}} the OMD site name.

  • $HOSTNAME$ contains the host name.

  • $SERVICEDESC$ contains the service description.

action menu variables

The following variables can be used in the action attribute when specifing a server action or a http(s) url.

  • $HOSTNAME$ contains the host name

  • $HOSTADDRESS$ contains the host address

  • …​

and many more. You’ll find a complete list of macros on the macros page.

Sample icons with two action icons:


Variant 1 - put your action menus into a separate folder.

new in release v2.10

    action_menu_items_folder /etc/thruk/action_menus/

Menu files must have the .json file extension and contain the raw json definition of the action menu. One menu per file. The menu can be referenced by the filename later. For example if you filename is /etc/thruk/action_menus/somemenu.json then you can access the menu by the name somemenu.

Variant 2 - reference a menu from an external file:

new in release v2.10

        standardmenu      = file:///etc/thruk/standardmenu.json

Menu files must contain the raw json definition of the action menu.

Variant 3 - reference to a pre defined menu:


        standardmenu = {"icon":"/thruk/themes/{{theme}}/images/dropdown.png",\
                        "title": "test title",\


    define host {
      host_name            localhost
      _THRUK_ACTION_MENU   standardmenu

Variant 4 - define the menu in object config only:

This obviously adds some overhead to your objects, so better use the other variants unless you want to change the menu from external commands.


    define host {
      host_name            localhost
      _THRUK_ACTION_MENU   {"icon":"/thruk/themes/{{theme}}/images/dropdown.png", "title": "test title", "menu":[ {"icon":"uil-redo","label":"refresh","action":"server://refresh/$HOSTNAME$"}]}


new in release v2.10

Organize action_menu_items in a folder. Each file in this folder will be read as action menu.

new in release v2.24

This folder may also contain .js files since version 2.24.

Both examples are equivalent and result in the same menu assuming there is a /etc/thruk/action_menus/hostmenu.json file.

    action_menu_items_folder    =  /etc/thruk/action_menus/
        hostmenu      = file:///etc/thruk/action_menus/hostmenu.json


new in release v1.86

With apply rules adding action menus is made easy and independant from the actual object configuration. You can setup a few regular expression rules which then add the corresponding action menu to matching hosts and services. The syntax is menu_name = Hostpattern;Servicepattern


  hostmenu    = .*;$             # matches all hosts only
  servicemenu = .*;.+$           # matches all services on all hosts
  specialmenu = ^Host;Service$   # matches an exact service on one host only
  cpu_menu    = .*;CPU           # matches all services starting with 'CPU'
  hostmenu    = ^Host            # matches all hosts starting with 'Host' (incl. services)
  demomenu    = ^Demo;.*$        # matches all services on the 'Demo' host
  demomenu    = ^Test;           # a menu name can be used multiple times


new in release v1.86

Defines the available server commands from action_menu_items. Key/Value pair of the name of the script and the corresponding command. The command has to be a full path program and not just a shell command. Therefor you do not have to use quotes because the arguments are not interpreted by a shell before execution due to security reasons.

It is possible to use most standard Macros and the username is available in the REMOTE_USER environment variable.


    example   = /usr/local/bin/ $HOSTNAME$ $SERVICEDESC$ $USER20$
    refresh   = /usr/local/bin/ otherargs

Icinga Settings


This one activates all icinga specific features. If not set, Thruk will try to auto-detect your backends. Currently auto detection will only work within OMD. Don’t enable it unless all your backends are icinga.


enable_icinga_features = 1

Shinken Settings


This one activates all problem/impact and criticity features. Currently it will only work with shinken backends. Don’t enable it unless all your backends are shinken. If not set, it will be automatically enabled when using only shinken backends.


enable_shinken_features = 1


Set the names of the priority (criticity in shinken). Currently this will only work with shinken backends.


  5   = Business Critical
  4   = Top Production
  3   = Production
  2   = Standard
  1   = Testing
  0   = Development

Other Settings


Normally reports will be generated in an external process to avoid timeouts on long running reports. Use this switch to turn external jobs off and generate reports directly. Make sure they are finished within 40seconds which is the default fcgi timeout.


no_external_job_forks = 1


Path to your thruk init script. Will be used to restart thruk.


thruk_init = /etc/init.d/thruk

Path used for cookies. Do not change unless you have weird url rewrites which breaks setting cookies.


cookie_path = /

Sets all cookies with secure=1 if enabled.


cookie_secure_only = 1

Component Thruk::Backend

Enter your backend connection settings here. See Backend Configuration for details.


  • name name for this connection

  • type type of this connection. Can be 'livestatus' or 'http'.

  • hidden should this peer be hidden initially ( can be reenabled via gui switch ) Only useful with more than one backend. Setting this option removes this backend from any report or cli action unless backends are specified explicitly.

  • display Set to 0 if you want to hide this backend from the default view. This can be changed by the site panel again. In opposite to the 'hidden' flag, backends set to display=0 are still used for automatic actions and reports.

  • groups if set, only contacts from these groups have access. You may add multiple groups separated by comma. Users without the right contactgroup don’t even see that there is a backend. Note that this implies one extra backend request per page. (DEPRECATED - please do not use)

  • authoritive When having multiple backends, set this to true to gather autorization information only from this backend(s).

  • active Backend will be skipped as if it’s not configured at all if set to 0.

  • section to group backends/sites by different sections, enter a section.

  • state_host DEPRECATED - please use LMD when using multiple backends.

  • logcache Set logcache connection for this specific backend. Set to 0 to disable logcache for this site.

  • logcache_fetchlogs_command Override global logcache_fetchlogs_command.

  • options

    • peer address of this connection.

    • resource_file resource_file for this peer (used for macro replacement)

    • auth secret key for http connections.

    • remote_name remote site name for http connections (required if remote instance is connected to multiple backends)

    • fallback_peer fallback connection address

    • cert optional client certificate for tls connections

    • key optional client key for tls connections

    • ca_file ca file to verify tls server

    • verify set to 0 to disable any tls verification

    • verifycn_name set to expected remote server hostname (used in certificate verification)

    • proxy optional proxy for http backends (ex.: http://proxyhost:port)

  • configtool

    • core_type Give the config parser a hint about your config. Can be 'naemon', 'nagios', 'icinga' or 'shinken'.

    • core_conf Path to your naemon.cfg / nagios.cfg / icinga.cfg. Read all object directories and files from this config file.

    • obj_check_cmd Commandline to verify the config. Use something like 'sudo -u root /usr/local/nagios/bin/nagios -v /usr/local/nagios/etc/nagios.cfg' if you have different user for Thruk and the monitoring core. See for an example.

    • obj_reload_cmd Commandline to reload the config.

    • obj_readonly Filename pattern to define readonly objects. For example for generated config files. The same effect can be achieved by adding "# thruk: readonly" on top of a object config file.

    • obj_dir Path to your objects. Enables the objects editor. Reads all *.cfg from this folder and all subfolders. (only needed when not using 'core_conf')

    • obj_file Path to a single objects file. Enables the objects editor. Both 'obj_dir' and 'obj_file' can be specified more than once. (only needed when not using 'core_conf')

    • obj_exclude Specify some exception pattern for the obj_dir. (only needed when not using 'core_conf')

    • git_base_dir Override global 'git_base_dir' value.

    • disable Set to 1 to disable config tool for this backend (ex.: when detected automatically for http backends)

  • lmd_options

    • flags flags to passthrough to lmd

    • …​ any attribute will be just passed into the connection seciont of the lmd.ini, see example below.


<Component Thruk::Backend>
      name   = Local Naemon
      type   = livestatus
      hidden = 1             # makes this backend hidden by default
      groups = admins,locals # makes this backend only visible to the
                             # admin and the locals contactgroup
          peer       = /tmp/livestatus.socket
          core_conf      = /etc/naemon/naemon.cfg
          obj_check_cmd  = /etc/init.d/naemon checkconfig
          obj_reload_cmd = /etc/init.d/naemon reload
      name   = External Icinga
      type   = livestatus
          peer   =
          flags = ['Icinga2']
      name   = External Shinken
      type   = livestatus
          peer          =
          fallback_peer =  # will be used as fallback
      name   = Another Thruk
      type   = http
          peer        =
          auth        = secret_key_from_remote_instance
          remote_name = id1   # required if remote site has multiple backends connected itself
      name   = TLS Livestatus
      type   = livestatus
          peer    = tls://
          cert    = client.pem
          key     = client.key
          ca_file = server.crt
          verify  = 1

Component Thruk::Plugin::ConfigTool

Enable config tool by setting path to different components config files. Users with the roles 'authorized_for_configuration_information' and 'authorized_for_system_commands' will then have access to the config tool. You don’t have to restart Thruk when changing the config with the config tool.


<Component Thruk::Plugin::ConfigTool>
  show_plugin_syntax_helper = 1
  thruk                     = .../thruk_local.conf
  cgi.cfg                   = .../cgi.cfg
  htpasswd                  = .../htpasswd
  pre_obj_save_cmd          = .../
  post_obj_save_cmd         = .../
  git_base_dir              = /etc/naemon/conf.d/custom/
  show_summary_prompt       = 1
  #edit_files               = some/extra/files/to.edit # deprecated
  extra_custom_var_host     = _WORKER
  extra_custom_var_service  = _SNMP_COMMUNITY, _OTHER_CUSTOM_VARIABLE
  obj_readonly              = readonly files regular expression
  # default_keys_host       = host_name use:generic-host alias address contact_groups:example
  # default_keys_service    = service_description use host_name check_command contact_groups
  # default_keys_contact    = contact_name use alias email can_submit_commands
  # default_keys_...        = ... # set default keys for any type


Enable/Disable the plugin syntax helper. When enabled, Thruk will run the plugins with "plugin -h" to get the help information.


Path to your thruk_local.conf. Enables adjusting Thruks config if set.


Path to your cgi.cfg. Enables adjusting the cgi.cfg if set.


Path to your htpasswd. Enables user management based an Apaches basic auth with htpasswd.


Run a command before saving object config files. Save will be canceled if the command returns non-zero exit code. Command will be run with 'pre' as first argument and the root config folder as second argument.

The following environment variables will be set:

  • standard macros as listed in CLI Environment

  • THRUK_BACKEND_ID internal id of the current edited backend

  • THRUK_BACKEND_NAME name of the current edited backend

  • THRUK_SUMMARY_MESSAGE user supplied change summary title

  • THRUK_SUMMARY_DETAILS user supplied change details


Run a command after saving object config files. Command will be run with 'post' as first argument and the root config folder as second argument.

An example can be found in 'examples/config_tool_git_checkin'.

The following environment variables will be set:

  • standard macros as listed in CLI Environment

  • THRUK_BACKEND_ID internal id of the current edited backend

  • THRUK_BACKEND_NAME name of the current edited backend

  • THRUK_SUMMARY_MESSAGE user supplied change summary title

  • THRUK_SUMMARY_DETAILS user supplied change details


If not all config folders are managed by git, then you can specify a directory which is used to display the history. Should point to a directory which is part of a git repository. This config setting is only used for the history support in the configuration tool. The 'git_base_dir' may be overridden by an per backend value.


Thruk will show a prompt to input a change summary if a 'post_obj_save_cmd' is set. You can use this option to suppress that prompt.


DEPRECATED: please use the editor plugin now.

Specify some extra files which can then be edited by the Thruk configtool text editor. Can be used multiple times. When used with a directory, all files below can be edited.


Extra custom variable attribute for hosts which will be available in the dropdown list when editing a host. Can be used multiple time and accepts comma separated lists.


Extra custom variable attribute for services which will be available in the dropdown list when editing a service. Can be used multiple time and accepts comma separated lists.


Use obj_readonly regular expressions which will be appended to the backend specific readonly patterns from the Component Backend peer configtool. The same effect can be achieved by adding "# thruk: readonly" on top of a object config file. Readdetails on the configtool section.


Space separated list of default attributes when creating a new host. Can contain custom variables like _VAR. Append default value separated by a :. This obviously means you cannot use spaces or colons in attributes or default values.


default_keys_host       = host_name use:generic-host alias address contact_groups _WORKER:local


see default_keys_host.


see default_keys_host.

Component Thruk::Plugin::Panorama

The 'Panorama' plugin is a nice, fully customizable dashboard allowing you to build your own panorama views.


<Component Thruk::Plugin::Panorama>
  default_dashboard        = 1,3,7,4
  readonly                 = 0
  full_reload_interval     = 10800
  geo_map_default_center   = 13.74,47.77
  geo_map_default_zoom     = 5
  extra_fonts              = CompanyFont1, CompanyFont2
  new_files_start_at       = 1
  default_state_order      = down, unreachable, ...
  default_maintenance_text = "this dashboard is currently in <b>maintenance mode</b>"


Contains a comma seperated list of dashboards you want to show by default.


Make panorama dashboard readonly. The user cannot add, remove or change panels and tabs. Commands may still be send according to the user permissions.


Make panorama dashboard ignore changes. The user is allowed to change some parts of the layout, but nothing is saved. Commands may still be send according to the user permissions.


Full page reload every 3 hours to prevent memory leaks. Disabled when set to 0.


Normally new files start at index 1 but this can be changed here. This helps in situations when more than one Thruk installation has to create dashboards in the same folder.


Defines the order to determine the worst state for filter and group icons. Use this to override the global default_state_order.


Sets the default text when setting dashboards into maintenance mode. You can use html to format the text.


Default coordinates (lon,lat) for new geo maps.


Default zoom level for new geo maps.


<Component Thruk::Plugin::Panorama>
  wms_provider = <providername>   = ["<wms-ur>l", {"layers": "<layername>"}", {"properties": "..."}]

Properties can be set according to: Some common properties are: attribution or numZoomLevels.


Comma separated list of additional fonts which will be listed in the text label drop down selection.

Component Thruk::Plugin::Reports2

The 'Reports2' plugin creates sla reports in html or pdf format. You probably have to install puppeteer in a recent version.


<Component Thruk::Plugin::Reports2>
  report_nice_level      = 5
  max_concurrent_reports = 2
  report_base_url        = http://host.local/thruk/cgi-bin/
  pnp_export             = script/
  grafana_export         = script/
  report_from_email      = User Name <>
  default_template       =


Execute regular scheduled reports with this nice level.


new in release v1.88

Maximum number of reports running at a time. If more reports are started, then they will be queued up. Default is 2.


Url used to replace relative links in html reports.


phantomjs is deprecated and no longer use. It has been replaced with puppeteer. See the FAQ for further information.


pnp_export defines a script which exports a PNP4nagios graph into a local file which then can be included in reports. PNP4nagios images are either exported localy by executing php or remotly fetched with wget. This works automatically in OMD, but only for local sites of course. To make this work without OMD, set the variable 'PNP_ETC' and 'PNP_INDEX' in the ~/.thruk file of your webserver. The PNP4nagios url is taken from the action url or from the notes url.


export PNP_ETC="/etc/pnp4nagios"
export PNP_INDEX="/usr/share/pnp4nagios/htdocs/index.php"

Remote PNP4nagios graphs will be fetched by wget and usually the graphs are password protected, so you may want to set a different wget command to specify a username and password. This can to be set by the 'PNP_WGET' variable in the ~/.thruk file of the webserver user. You may force to use wget by setting 'PNP_URL_PREFIX'.


export PNP_WGET="wget -q --user=admin --password=secret"
export PNP_URL_PREFIX=""


Override default script for exporting grafana graphs to png with grafana_export.


Set the from address used in e-mail reports. Format is "User Name <>"


Set the default template used for new reports.


You may change the default map type of the statusmap here. Valid types are: 'table' and 'circle'


And the statusmap default group by which has to be one of: 'parent', 'address', 'domain', 'hostgroup', 'servicegroup'

Component Thruk::Plugin::Minemap

The Minemap plugin gives an overview of your hosts and services.


<Component Thruk::Plugin::Minemap>
  minemap_default_link = /thruk/cgi-bin/minemap.cgi

You may change the default minemap link here.

Component Thruk::Plugin::BP

The Business Process plugin gives the possibility to create and model your business processes. In order to edit and create new business processes you will need the roles:

  • authorized_for_configuration_information

  • authorized_for_system_commands

Configuration Example:

<Component Thruk::Plugin::BP>
  #spool_dir             = /var/naemon/rw/check_results
  result_backend         = naemon
  objects_save_file      = /etc/naemon/conf.d/bp_generated.cfg
  objects_templates_file = /etc/naemon/conf.d/thruk_bp_templates.cfg
  objects_reload_cmd     = /etc/init.d/naemon reload
  #pre_save_cmd          =
  #post_save_cmd         =
  #post_refresh_cmd      =
  refresh_interval       = 1
  #favorite_custom_function = echo ; echo_function
  #worker                = 5
  #default_filter        = add_recursive_output_filter
  #default_state_order   = down, unreachable, ...
  #sync_downtime_ack_state = 0
  read_only              = 0


Results will be send back by using the spool folder. This folder should point to the 'check_result_path' of your core.


As alternative to the spool_dir, a livestatus connection can be used to send results to the core. Set the name or key of the backend with this option.


Save objects to this file. Content will be overwritten.


File format of the saved objects. Valid formats are 'nagios' and 'icinga2'.


User maintained file containing templates used for business process services.


Command to apply changes to the objects_save_file.


Run this hook command before saving a business process. Along with the default environment variables set, there are two extra variables set which can be used:

  • THRUK_BP_FILE: contains the file name of the business process being saved

  • THRUK_BP_STAGE: is set to 'pre'


Run this hook command after saving a business process. The same environment variables will be used as in the pre_save_cmd, except stage is set to 'post'.


Run this hook command after refreshing business processes is completed. Ex.: after every cron run of thruk bp all.


Refresh interval defines how often business processes will be recalculated and refreshed. (in minutes).

Automatic bp calculations will be disabled if set to zero.


Favorite custom function will be displayed on the 'Type' tab so you don’t have to select custom first. Syntax is <name>;<function>


Set the number of parallel business process calculations. Setting it to 1 disables parallelization. Setting it to 0 trys to autodetect a suitable value.

Automatic bp calculations will be disabled if set to zero.


Add global filter to all business processes, can be set multiple times.


Defines the order to determine the worst state for worst/best aggregations. Use this to override the global default_state_order.


Set downtime/acknowledgement for business process if all child nodes are in downtime/acknowledged. Valid values are:

  • 0 - disabled

  • 1 - display only (default)

  • 2 - set downtime/acknowledgement by external command

(does not work in combination with spool_dir)


Make all bp related pages readonly.

User & Group Specific Overrides

Both, the 'Users' and the 'Groups' directive override default settings for single users or groups. In theory it’s possible to override each and every config setting from the thruk.conf but you will get funny results if you override fundamental settings like backends, paths and such things.

'Groups' are contact groups from your monitoring core and 'Users' are the contact names as they show up in the Thruk interface.


The groups directive overrides specific config settings for one group only. Group overrides are applied in alphabetical order. For example, if you have a user in group 'Admins' and in 'Superadmins', he will get all overrides from both groups, but the 'Admins' overrides will be superseded by the 'Superadmins'.


    # disable all commands, except reschedule for all users
    command_disabled = 0-6,8-95,97-999

    <Group admins>
        # enable commands for admins again
        command_disabled =


The users directive overrides specific config settings for one user only.


    <User guest>
        # override single configuration item
        show_error_reports  = 0
        can_submit_commands = 0

        # also available for nested components
        <Component Thruk::Plugin::Panorama>
          default_dashboard    = 1,3,7,4
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