Thruk::Utils::CLI - Utilities Collection for CLI Tool
Utilities Collection for CLI scripting with Thruk. Allows you to access internal structures and change config information.
new([ $options ])
$options = {
verbose => 0-4, # be more verbose
create CLI tool object
return Thruk::Context context object
The Backend Connection Pool can be uses for own querys against all connected backends in Thruk.
Return connection pool as a Thruk::Backend::Manager object.
These methods will only be available if you have the config tool plugin enabled and if you set core config items to access the core objects config.
Return config database as a Monitoring::Config object.
Store changed objects. Changes will be stashed into Thruks internal object cache and can then be saved, reviewed or discarded.
request_url($c, $url, [$cookies], [$method], [$postdata], [$headers], [$insecure])
returns requested url as string. In list context returns ($code, $result)
load given module and returns true on success
$self->from_local($c, $options)
main entry point for cli commands from the terminal
from_fcgi($c, $string)
main entry point for cli commands over http(s).
get_submodule_help($module, [$data])
returns help extracted from pod for given module
read password from stdin
pid_exists($pid, [$cmd pattern])
check if pid exists and cmd matches the pattern, returns true if pid is valid
check_lock($file, [$key], [$pid])
check lock file, returns:
- (undef, undef) if lock was set successfully
- ($pid, $starttime) if a valid lock exists already
check_lock_unlock($file, [$key])
removes lock from file.
there are some cli scripting examples in the examples subfolder of the source package.