Here are some of the highlights of the release v2.46.
See the detailed changelog for a complete list of changes.

Besides the generic `*` all variants of wildcards are now supported in the cgi.cfg. Both for the contacts list and the contactgroup lists.

  • authorized_for_admin=admin* would match all contacts starting with 'admin'.
  • authorized_contactgroup_for_all_services=*_op would match all contactgroups ending with '_op'.

For better handling with apikeys, there is a new apikey thruk command which prints some information for a given key. The command can be used with keys or filenames.

%> thruk apikey info 30e4cfefe57de680280931e09c892b2f7772c4ee0a0c51885b8879475bafe875_1
| hashed key       | fd9de5472f6b4d86603defeb8611252c042f6059d3ed7ba30233138f70f8dc93                        |
| digest           | SHA-256                                                                                 |
| file name        | ./var/api_keys/fd9de5472f6b4d86603defeb8611252c042f6059d3ed7ba30233138f70f8dc93.SHA-256 |
| super user       | no                                                                                      |
| user             | thrukadmin                                                                              |
| role restriction | no restrictions                                                                         |
| create date      | Thu Nov  4 16:19:10 2021                                                                |
| last used date   | never                                                                                   |
| last used from   |                                                                                         |
| comment          | test                                                                                    |