Agents Thruk Plugin

Agent configuration for SNClient+ agents in Naemon.

The idea of the agents plugin is to programmatically run an inventory scan on the snclient agents and create hosts / services checks with as little manual work as possible.

agents plugin


Assuming you are using OMD (

This is a core plugin, so it is shipped with Thruk and can simply be enabled by running: thruk plugins enable agents or from the plugins section in the config tool.

It worked if you have a new menu item under SystemAgents.


Create a example configuration file:


There is a example configuration at the end.


Instead of manually disabling service checks, use rules to exclude them. This means less work and you can easily adjust those rules for all or many hosts at once.

Rules are applied in the order of appearance in the configuration file.

You can either use the <disable> tag to select specific checks if supported by the plugin. For example to disable network device checks on localhost use this block:

    <disable network>
      enabled != true
      name    ~  ^(lo|.*Loopback)

This provides a way to exclude services based on inventory values.

Or more generic:

Exclude service checks based on its name like this:

      name = check_services  # name match
      name ~ net lo          # name regex match

Testing Rules

It is good advice to test changed rules on the command line before applying them to all hosts.

List all changes:

  %> ta -II ALL -n

Show detailed all changes for specific host:

  %> ta -II hostname -n -v

Matching Rules

Some rule blocks like extra_service_opts, extra_host_opts or extra_service_checks have matching pattern for section, tags, host and service attributes.


Match All

# default is to match all hosts / services
host    = ANY
service = ANY
section = ANY
tags    = ANY

when using multiple attributes, all must match:

# matches all hosts starting with abc but they must also have the tag1 tag.
host = ^abd
tags = tag1

String Match

# simple string compare, exact match (case insensitive)
# matches localhost or Localhost
host = localhost

Wildcard Match

# wildcard match (case insensitive)
# matches localhost
host = local*

Regexp Match

# regular expression match (case insensitive)
# matches localhost or Localhost
host ~ local.*

Note: regexp should be fenced with ^pattern$, otherwise the regexp tag1 also matches tag10.

Combined Match

# multiple tags (OR)
# matches if host has either tag1 or tag2
tags = tag1, tag2     # as string match
tags ~ ^(tag1|tag2)$  # as regexp
# is the same as
tags = tag1
tags = tag2

# multiple tags (AND)
# matches only if all given tags exist
tags = tag1 && tag2

Exclude Match

# exclude something
# exclude pattern start with a '!'
# this matches all hosts except localhost
host = ANY
host = !localhost
# this matches all hosts which have tag1 but must not have tag2
tags = tag1 && !tag2

Process Checks

The <proc> block is used to define process checks. There is a simple variant which only matches the process name and a advanced variant to match on the full command line.

By default no specific process checks will be created, you have to set a list of processes to check.


This example will create a service check for all processes named snclient or httpd.

  name = snclient
  name = httpd
  user = ANY

The name expression is applied on the process executable name.


The advanced variant allows to match on the full command line of the process. It also allows to set the service name.

  # service name (available placeholder: %u - user | %e - executable)
  name     = ssh controlmaster %u
  match    ~ /usr/bin/ssh.*ControlMaster=yes
  user     = ANY
  #host    = ANY     # restrict to specific hosts
  #section ~ test # apply this process check only to sections containing "test"
  #warn    = 1:5  # warning threshold for number of processes (low:high)
  #crit    = 1:10 # critical threshold

The match expression is applied as sub string match on the hole command line.

Services Checks

The <service> block is used to define checks for windows or linux services.

By default no specific service checks will be created, you have to set a list of processes to check.

  # service name (available placeholder: %s - service name)
  name     = service %s
  service  = apache2   # service name exact match
  service  ~ winlogon  # match all services containing 'winlogon'

  #host    = ANY  # restrict to specific hosts
  #section ~ test # apply this service only to sections containing "test"
  #tags    = prod # apply this service only to hosts with tag "prod"

Tips & Tricks

Add Additional Service Checks

In case you would like to add additional service check which are not created from the inventory, you can add rules to do so.

For example, add a ping check to all hosts.

      host    = ANY
      section = ANY
      tags    = ANY

      name    = ping  # the actual service description
      # add arbitrary naemon config attributes here as well
      check_command            = check-host-alive!$HOSTADDRESS$
      use                      = srv-perf,generic-service
      first_notification_delay = 30

Adjust Host / Service Attributes

Using the extra_service_opts or extra_host_opts is a good way to programatically adjust host/service object attributes.

Here are a few examples:

set / overwrite attributes

      # match all services named 'cpu'
      service  = cpu

      # set/overwrite contacts and timeperiod to a new value
      contacts            = admin
      notification_period = office_hours

append to list attributes

      # set all contacts to this one
      contacts = admin

    # extend special services
      # match all services named 'memory'
      service  = memory

      # extend list of contacts
      contacts = +manager

remove from list attributes

      # first set all contacts to these
      contacts = admin, manager, customer

    # extend special services
      # match all services named 'memory'
      service  = memory

      # remove from list of contacts
      contacts = !manager
      contacts = !customer

Always OK Inventory Check

In case the inventory check should always be OK, ex.: because it is used in dashboards, simply use the --always-ok option.

Apply this option to all inventory checks:

      service = agent inventory
      args    = --always-ok

Example Configuration

<Component Thruk::Agents>
    # use a default backend if there are multiple
    default_backend = LOCAL

    # set a default password macro, ex.: $USER5$
    default_password = $USER5$

    # add extra options to check_nsc_web
    check_nsc_web_extra_options = "-k -t 35"

    # change default port used to build the check command
    default_port = 8443

    # override check interval
    check_interval = 1
    retry_interval = 0.5
    max_check_attempts = 3

    # override inventory interval
    inventory_interval = 60

    # override os updates interval
    os_updates_interval = 60

    # set default contact(s)
    #default_contacts = admin, other

    # set default contactgroups(s)
    #default_contactgroups = group, ...

    # set performance data templates (default is autodetect based
    # on whether grafana is enabled)
    #perf_template      = srv-perf
    #host_perf_template = host-perf

    # set default options for specific check types
      drivesize = show-all freespace-ignore-reserved=false

    # disable network checks matching these attributes
    <disable network>
      enabled != true
      name    ~ ^(lo|.*Loopback)
      flags   ~ loopback

    # disable check_drivesize checks matching these attributes
    <disable drivesize>
      fstype  ~ ^(tracefs|securityfs|debugfs|configfs|pstorefs|fusectl|cgroup2fs|bpf|efivarfs|sysfs|fuseblk|rpc_pipefs|nsfs|ramfs|binfmt_misc|proc|nfs|devpts|mqueue|hugetlbfs)$
      drive   ~ ^(/run/|/dev|/boot/efi|/proc|/sys)
      mounted = 0
      drive   =

    # disable services by name or type
      #name = check_users   # name string match
      #name ~ net lo        # name regex match
      #type = df./proc      # type string match
      #type ~ ^extscript\.  # type regex, disable all external scripts by default
      #host !~ \.win\.      # apply this exclude only to specific hosts, only hosts not matching ".win."
      #host ~ ^l            # apply this exclude only to hosts starting with an "l"
      #section ~ test       # apply this exclude only to sections containing "test"
      #tags = prod          # apply this exclude only to tag "prod"

    # include services in discovery
      # service name (available placeholder: %s - service name)
      name     = service %s
      service  = snclient
      service  = apache2
      service  = postfix
      service  = ssh
      service  = exim4
      service  = mariadb
      service  = ntp
      service  = squid

      #host    = ANY  # restrict to specific hosts
      #section ~ test # apply this service only to sections containing "test"
      #tags    = prod # apply this service only to hosts with tag "prod"

      # service description (available placeholder: %u - user | %e - executable)
      name     = ssh controlmaster %u
      match    ~ /usr/bin/ssh.*ControlMaster=yes
      user     = mon
      #host    = ANY     # restrict to specific hosts
      #section ~ test # apply this process check only to sections containing "test"
      #warn    = 1:5  # warning threshold for number of processes (low:high)
      #crit    = 1:10 # critical threshold

      # if no match is given, use the name as exe filter
      name  = snclient
      name  = httpd

    # set generic process threshold
      service = ^processes$
      args    = warn='count > 2000' crit='count > 2000'

    # set zombie process threshold
      service = ^zombie processes$
      args    = warn='count > 0' crit='count > 5'

    # set extra service attributes (if multiple blocks match, each is applied in order and overwrites previous values)
    # block can be used multiple times
      service  ~ ^cpu$ # regex match on service description
      #host    = ANY # restrict to specific hosts
      #section ~ test # apply this attributes only to sections containing "test"
      tags     = ANY

      # can be used to append extra arguments to the command line
      #args = warn='load > 95' crit='load > 100'

      # naemon service attributes will be added to the generated host configuration
      first_notification_delay = 30
      notification_options     = w,c
      # other naemon service attributes...

    # set extra host attributes (if multiple blocks match, each is applied in order)
    # block can be used multiple times
      host     = ^hostname$ # regex match on host name
      #section ~ test # apply this attributes only to sections containing "test"
      tags     = ANY

      # naemon host attributes will be added to the generated host configuration
      #first_notification_delay = 30
      #check_command = check-host-alive!$HOSTADDRESS$
      # other naemon host attributes...

    # add custom snclient based service checks
      # on which host / sections / tags should this serice be created
      host    = ANY
      section = ANY
      tags    = ANY

      name    = dns           # the actual service description
      check   = check_dns     # snclient check
      args    = -H  # check arguments
      # add arbitray naemon config attributes here as well
      use                      = srv-perf,generic-service
      first_notification_delay = 30

    # add custom service checks
      # on which host / sections / tags should this serice be created
      host    = ANY
      section = ANY
      tags    = ANY

      name    = ping  # the actual service description
      check_command = check-host-alive!$HOSTADDRESS$
      # add arbitray naemon config attributes here as well
      use                      = srv-perf,generic-service
      first_notification_delay = 30
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