Thruk::Controller::rest_v1 - Rest interface version 1
Thruk Controller
process_rest_request($c, $path_info, [$method])
returns json response
get_request_columns($c, $type)
$type can be:
- RAW - returns columsn as is, alias definitions untouched
- NAMES - returns column name
- ALIAS - returns column alias or the name if none specified
- STRUCT - returns column as parsed structure
returns list of requested columns or undef
returns hash of columns with their alias
returns list of columns required for filtering
column_required($c, $column_name)
Can be used to exclude expensive columns from beeing generated.
returns true if column is required, ex. for sorting, filtering, etc...
register_rest_path_v1($protocol, $path|$regex, $function, [$roles], [$first])
register rest path.
returns nothing
gather list of available rest paths. If $c is supplied, only enabled plugins will be returned.
returns (path_hash, keys_hash, docs_hash)
load_json_files($c, {
files => $files,
[ pre_process_callback => &code_ref ],
[ authorization_callback => &code_ref ],
[ post_process_callback => &code_ref ],
generic function to expose json files
returns list of authorized loaded files
guess_field_type($url, $fieldname)
returns guess about field type