With Thruk 2.0 does not use the Catalyst framework anymore and is now based on the much faster and lighter Plack framework. With this some small changes are necessary to existing plugins. The plugins shiped with Thruk are adopted already and might be a good example of how they look now.

Setting URL routes

Instead of the Path() decorator a new add_routes function has been introduced.

  sub minemap_cgi : Path('/thruk/cgi-bin/minemap.cgi') {
    my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
    return if defined $c->{'canceled'};
    return $c->detach('/minemap/index');
  sub add_routes {
    my($self, $app, $routes) = @_;
    $routes->{'/thruk/cgi-bin/minemap.cgi'} = 'Thruk::Controller::minemap::index';

Replace MyAction Defaults

The MyAction decorator has been replaced with a direct call to add_defaults. The add_defaults function adds the (livestatus)-database connection.

  sub index :Path :Args(0) :MyAction('AddDefaults') {
    my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
  sub index {
    my ( $c ) = @_;
    return unless Thruk::Action::AddDefaults::add_defaults($c, Thruk::Constants::ADD_DEFAULTS);

There are 3 variants available:

  • Thruk::Constants::ADD_DEFAULTS
    add connection but redirect to error page if no backends available

  • Thruk::Constants::ADD_SAFE_DEFAULTS
    add connection and just return for no backends

  • Thruk::Constants::ADD_CACHED_DEFAULTS
    add connection without requesting process info and backend status

Accessing the Request Parameters

Previously the request object was available by $c->request and $c->{'request'}. This has changed to $c->req.

  Old                                           New
  $c->{'request'}->{'parameters'}      ->       $c->req->parameters

Accessing the Response Object

The $c->response object is now available at $c->res and accessing the headers and cookies has slightly changed.

  Old                                           New
  $c->response->redirect               ->       $c->redirect_to
  $c->res->content_type                ->       $c->res->headers->content_type
  $c->res->header                      ->       $c->res->headers->header
  $c->response->status()               ->       $c->res->code()

Cookies handling has been slightly changed:

Get cookie values as list.


Get single cookie values as scalar.


Set new cookies:

  $c->cookie('name' => 'value', {
            path    => $c->stash->{'cookie_path'},
            domain  => ...,

Remove Catalyst References

All references to Catalyst and Moose can be removed.

  use parent 'Catalyst::Controller';

Rendering JSON Data

  Old                                           New
  $c->forward("View::JSON");           ->       return $c->render(json => $json);

Rendering Excel Data

  Old                                           New
  return $c->detach('View::Excel');    ->       return $c->render_excel();

Renamed Environment Variables

Two environmental variables have also changed. The CATALYST_SERVER is mainly used for automatic unit tests. The THRUK_CONFIG variable is used to determince the folder for Thruks configuration files.

  Old                                           New
  CATALYST_CONFIG                      ->       THRUK_CONFIG
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